Change Your Luck With Women Forever!

Recently divorced and struggling with online dating? 

Feeling “not so confident” about your approach with women?  

Overwhelmed by options, and tired of wasting hours chatting (and blowing good money) on bad dates with catfish, scammers and the crazies you encounter on online dating apps?

Whether you’ve been dating for a while, and it’s starting to feel like a second job… 

Or you’re newly single and feeling tentative about “getting back out there” …

In just 3 months, we promise to… 

Change Your Luck With Women Forever!

This 12-Week Transformational Program from the Most Amazing Group of Gentlemen is designed to get you exactly what you want in your love life...

Rebuild your self-esteem and increase your confidence with women…

Enjoy the luxury of being selective. Get more women interested in you with less time and effort… 

Be desired for who you are, not just what you can do for her, or what she can get from you…

Find a woman who can love you for exactly who you are in a way that truly makes you feel loved...

Achieve a deeply satisfying intimate relationship with a woman who rocks your world and gives you all the lovin’ you can handle...

Save valuable time and money by avoiding bad dates!

Never be “stuck” in an unsatisfying relationship again!

Ready to Attract a Woman Who Will Make You Feel Like a King?

The Most Amazing Group of Gentlemen has designed a transformative program to help
divorced men get exactly want they want in relationships.

With support from your certified coach, licensed group facilitators and other members of “MAGO Gents”, you can gain comprehensive clarity and confidence to better navigate the dating scene, and find the love you truly deserve. 

In just 12-Weeks, our Change Your Luck With Women Forever program can guide you to deep insights few men ever reach on their own… 

So, you can stop repeating the same relationship mistakes over and over again, and make the simple mindset shifts necessary to…

Attract More of the Right Type of Women, More Easily & Find the Loving Partner You Deserve…

If you're ready to take charge of your dating life and attract the kind of woman you really want to be with… a woman who will love you the way you want to be loved, meet your needs and fulfill you… 

Our "Change Your Luck with Women Forever" program is the perfect solution for you. 

For a limited time, you can get started with our proprietary, transformational program, and immediately start taking proven, concrete steps to Change Your Luck With Women Forever

Most men struggle on their own… 

“The trending MGTOW (“Men Going Their Own Way”) movement is proof of the frustration guys are feeling in relating with women today.”

But the issues we have with relationships are usually issues that reside within ourselves.

They’re at the core of who we are… 

Our childhood memories…

Past relationship experiences…

And the meanings we’ve attributed to other’s treatment of us over our lifetimes.

Unresolved issues from our past are compounded by our lack of clarity after divorce (or breakup of a significant long-term relationship) about who we are, what we want, what we need, and how we aim to get it.

It’s time to leave all of your uncertainty behind and go from feeling “not good enough” to happier than ever and ready for a great relationship that meets your needs and fulfills you…

If you’re a divorced guy who’s “scared of dating”…

If you feel intimidated by pretty women…

If a bad marriage destroyed your self-esteem …

This program is the cure for feeling unsure of yourself … 

This isn’t about pretending to be an Alpha male or playing like you’re a pickup artist… 

This isn’t about memorizing lines or using NLP tricks to hypnotize women…

This is DEEP WORK for men who want to live their lives in integrity… 

This is for the “nice guys” who society conditioned to approach relationships from a position of passivity, people-pleasing and weakness…

Men who did everything they could to make their ex happy, but who’s marriage failed anyway…

Men who became so passive that they unwittingly contributed to the death of the relationship…

Men who never really had any “game” in the first place…

Men who, deep down, are ashamed about what they tolerated in past relationships… 

Men who don’t believe they could ever be worthy of being loved for who they are.

This Is About Making an Integral, Foundational Change From Within…

We’re a group of gentlemen, devoted to helping other men heal emotionally, physically, mentally, psychologically, and socially…

We provide support as our members transform themselves into a more ideal version of themselves, and get clarity on who they are and what they want and need… 

So that they can get exactly what they want from their relationships with women.

We’ve helped others turn their lives around.

And we can do the same for you.

"A feeling of being worthy isn't something earned, it's something recognized within." 

How Much Do You Value Your Time?

Many of our members are professionals, high-earners in their careers...  

Yet, before encountering our program, they’d waste their most precious resource (time) pursuing never ending chats and phone calls with women that went nowhere…

Most of our members are “nice guys”, who couldn’t figure out what they really wanted from women, let alone how to get their needs met…

But it isn’t their fault… 

They Simply Didn’t Know How to Get Clear On What They Want, What They Need, And How To Communicate It...

That’s where we come in…

We invite you to try our proprietary program, Change Your Luck With Women Forever, so that in a few short weeks, you can REBOOT your love life.

For about the same cost of taking a lady out one time for dinner and drinks - you can experience a 12-Week transformational program that can lead you to greater clarity, improved self-confidence, enhanced self-esteem and fulfillment… 

When you RSVP for our program, you’ll receive the first in a series of 6 “DEEP WORK Workbooks” that will guide you to revealing insights about yourself and help you get clear on what you really want and need…

Then, you’ll get a new DEEP WORK Workbook every other week, covering the topics of who you are, your exes, your ideals, your values, your wants and your recent dating experiences… 

Each topic uncovers more to you about yourself, and helps you to think deeply about important things you may never have even considered… 

Your answers will likely surprise and illuminate you, uncovering a sense of clarity and self-assuredness...

“We have the freedom to transform ourselves at any instant... 

Decision-making shapes our destiny." 

These DEEP WORK Workbooks are designed to be transformative…

Each of the 6 Workbooks in the Change Your Luck series takes, on average, about 90 minutes to complete… 

You get one every other week… 

Do the work all at once, or chip away at it question by question.

If you have a lot of time on your hands and want to move faster, just let us know. 

Every page in our workbooks will reveal deep insights and help you get the clarity that can Change Your Luck With Women Forever

  • Doing the Work will save you a fortune on bad dates…  
  • Save you from wasting hours and hours of your time… 
  • Speed up your post-divorce (or post-breakup) healing process...
  • End the cycle of repeating relationship mistakes over and over again…
  • Improve your communication skills and increase your confidence and self-expression…

A lack of clarity… 

Not knowing what you really want and need, or how to get it… 

Invariably leads to a lot of wasted time and effort.

“It helped me to become the person I needed to be to attract the partner I desired.” – Tim H.

For a limited time, you can get the entire series of 6 DEEP WORK Workbooks for a one-time payment of just $95… and your satisfaction is backed by our… 

“We Wish First Dates Were Like This” 100% Money Back Guarantee.

Just RSVP and try our program for 30 days to see for yourself.

Every cent of your ninety-five-bucks is backed by that 100% Money Back Guarantee.

And As Extra Incentive … 

To ensure that you get the maximum benefit from the workbooks, we’re going to include 2 LIVE group sessions led by a Most Amazing Group of Gentlemen Certified Facilitator. 

These small group sessions are held on weekday nights.  

You’ll pick your regular night when you register.

Do the work in the first two workbooks, and join two LIVE in-person sessions in your first 30 days…

If at the end of those 30 days, you don’t believe that this program is exactly what you need to finally get what you want in your relationships with women, simply ask for a full refund.  

Every penny of that $95 will be refunded to you … 

“Why not invest the cost of one bad date to give yourself the chance for limitless great dates with great women?” - Serge B.

You’ll get a full month to decide if our program and the Most Amazing Group of Gentlemen is right for you… 

While allowing us to see if you’re a good fit too. 

And if we decide to part ways within those first 30 days - after we refund your money - we’ll still send you the 4 remaining DEEP WORK Workbooks from the Change Your Luck With Women Forever program so that you can continue to gain deeper insight into who you are, what you want and need, and “Do the Work” on your own!

You have nothing to lose except your lack of clarity and confidence (which women can smell from a mile away).

So, if you’re sick and tired of feeling overwhelmed and unsure…

If you still haven't found what you're really looking for in your love life, we invite you to try…

Change Your Luck with Women Forever: A 12-Week Self-Discovery Program to Get You Exactly What You Want in Your Relationships with Women

Your 30-day risk-free trial INCLUDES:

  • Six DEEP WORK Workbooks to guide you to deep insights and revelations about yourself, your past relationships and what you really want and need.   You’ll get ALL 6 workbooks whether or not you choose to continue beyond your 30-day trial. A $95 value that’s yours with no obligation! 
  • Two live, in-person, facilitator-lead MAGO Gent’s Groups – In these small group roundtables you’ll discover how you show up in relationships, get feedback from peers, realize things about yourself as they are reflected in the experiences shared by others, and more. Each MAGO Gents group session is 2 hours of refreshingly meaningful conversation among men, providing a forum to deepen your own insights as you forge friendships with men going through similar experiences. A $250 value, yours FREE.

The next 6 men to RSVP for a seat at the table, will get the entire series of 6 DEEP WORK Workbooks PLUS the 2 Facilitator-Led MAGO Gent’s Groups for just $95!  

Your investment is backed by our “We Wish First Dates Were Like This” 100% Money Back Guarantee.  

So, there’s no risk to you.

With just 6 spots available in our August group, they’re sure to go fast.  

Reserve your spot before it’s gone.  

This Even Works For Shy and Introverted Men…  

Some of our members took months to feel comfortable talking in group … 

If you don’t warm up to people quickly, that’s okay.  

We encourage you to participate in the facilitator-led group sessions in any way that you’re comfortable. 

Even as a fly on the wall.

These are open round table conversations, with topics selected by our facilitator, and check ins on the work you’re doing in the workbooks.

You can gain a lot of insights about yourself just sitting in and listening to other men talk about their lives and experiences… 

It’s a high level of support that will enhance what you’re doing in your DEEP WORK Workbooks…

And don’t worry, everything you share with your facilitator and other members, is held in the strictest of confidence.

AS A SPECIAL BONUS: Reserve your spot by August 16th and you’ll also get TWO, 1-on-1 coaching sessions with a MAGO Gents Coach - a $500 value - Absolutely FREE!

To make sure you get the most out of your first 30-Days of Transformation, we’re going to throw in VIP level 1-on-1 coaching!  

You’ll get free access to a MAGO Gents Certified Coach for two, hourlong 1-on-1 zoom calls (or in person meetings if your coach’s schedule allows) at a time that’s convenient for you!

Everything you talk about with your coach is held in the strictest confidence.

This Works For Men Who Lost Their Mojo…. Or Never Had It In The First Place…  

During and after divorce or the end of any serious long-term relationship, a lot of men – especially those who have been beaten down emotionally by a b**ch ex-wife… feel unlovable…. broken… worthless… hopeless...

They lost their mojo… 

They feel unsure of themselves, and sometimes even a little scared of being vulnerable because of the pain and heartbreak they’ve endured...

A lot of men struggle with how to get out of the starting gate…

And get frustrated with dating once they dive in…

They second-guess every move they make… 

If that sounds like you, you’re going to want to take advantage of this offer right now, because we’re going to sweeten it with another EXTRA BONUS that’s great for guys who feel a little uncertain about themselves… 

Grab One of Those 6 Spots Today, And You’re Also Going to Get MAGO Gents “Lifeline” Dating Support…

Need advice on how to respond to a woman you matched with?

Want a good opening line?

Had a good date but need some guidance on what to do next?

Not sure if you should send her that picture?

Don’t know if she’s really interested in you?

Have a general question about the program?

Send a text to our “Lifeline”!

Lifeline grants you up to 5 direct message inquiries each week during your 30-day trial…

It’s like having the ultimate wingman in your ear… 

Helping you navigate any type of dating situation.

Essential “Lifeline” support is normally $100 a month … 

You’ll get to try it completely free during your 30-Day Trial with no obligation!

RSVP by August 16th and We’ll DOUBLE YOUR “LIFELINE” BONUS…

That’s up to 10 Inquiries Each Week of Real-Time “Lifeline” dating advice!

Ask your MAGO Gents Coach anything on the “Lifeline”… 

  • Advice on your dating profile
  • Which pictures to post
  • How to handle a specific situation
  • What to say or do next 
  • How to phrase a response
  • How to make your move
  • How to cut and run
  • Whether she is really into you
  • Ideas for fun dates
  • How to close the deal

Just send us a message and get the exact advice you need…

If you want a sage wingman by your side to back you up anytime you need it, you will LOVE the “Lifeline”.

10 “Lifeline” inquiries each week for 30 days has a value of $200! You’ll get it completely FREE

Meet Great Single Women In Real Life at MAGO Gents Mix & Mingle Events

Maybe you’re the type of guy who hates online dating apps and prefers to meet women in real life (irl)…

Or perhaps you just want more practice meeting and mingling and chatting in person with beautiful women…

If you grab one of the 6 spots available in the August group, you’ll also receive a conditional invitation to one FREE singles event hosted by the Most Amazing Group of Gentlemen…

Great ladies are looking for men like you.

Most Men Don’t Work On Themselves…

The guys who go through our programs and become full members of the Most Amazing Group of Gentlemen have an advantage over most guys out there… 

We’re self-actualizing gentlemen, who live in integrity and we date by a code.

Beautiful, intelligent, high value women…

The type you might really want to date… 

But probably think are out of your league… 

Those women aren’t all just looking for rich, 6-foot 4 alpha males…  

They’re also NOT looking for a people pleasing, co-dependent simps…

They’re looking for good men who “Do the Work” on themselves.

Men who go through our program have a distinct advantage over most guys because we “Do the Work”.

We know who we are… 

We know what we want…

We know what we need… 

And we’ve learned to stand in our truth…

Live with integrity…

And communicate our desires to get what we really want.

When you complete the 12-Week Change Your Luck With Women Forever program…

You’re going to receive an conditional invitation to an upcoming MAGO Gents Mix & Mingle with MAGO Gents Cocktail Reception Event…

Where you will meet beautiful, available single women…

The type of women you really want to date…

These aren’t just any ladies who come in off the street…

The women invited to our Mix & Mingle with MAGO Gents Events go through a screening process to ensure they meet MAGO Gents standards…

They are single women matched to the criteria held by the men in our group…

You won’t be disappointed.  

There are some stipulations on this bonus…

The invitation is conditional on your completion of the 12-Week program, and approval by your MAGO Gents Coach and Group Facilitator… 

INVITATION TO VIP “MIX & MINGLE with MAGO Gents” Cocktail Hour is a $150 value.

Grab One of the Six Spots in our August Group Before They’re All Gone…

RSVP by August 16th and with your fully-refundable $95 investment you’re going to get…

  • All SIX DEEP WORK Workbooks from our Change Your Luck With Women Forever Program whether you stick around or not (a $95 value)
  • Two Live In-Person Mago Gents Facilitator-Led Group Sessions (a $250 value)
  • Two hours of 1-on-1 coaching by your certified Mago Gents Coach (a $500 value)
  • Double “Lifeline” Dating Support – Ask us anything! Up to 10 inquiries per week during your 30-day trial (a $200 value)
  • Plus, a conditional invitation to attend an upcoming Mix & Mingle with MAGO Gents Cocktail Hour (a $150 value)!  (Your invitation to the event is conditional upon your completion of the 12-week program and entrance to the VIP Mixer requires a Full Membership.)

Your 30-Day Provisional Membership to the Most Amazing Group of Gentlemen packs $1,195 in value… 

You’ll get it all for a fully-refundable, one-time investment of just $95.

(Offer valid only in Florida to NEW Provisional Members of the Most Amazing Group of Gentlemen.)

Take advantage of this offer before your spot is gone!

If you don’t love it, for any reason, your purchase is backed by our 

100% MONEY BACK “We Wish First Dates Were Like This” Total Satisfaction Guarantee

Do the work in our workbooks… 

Attend two facilitator-led, in-person group sessions… 

Dive into your 1-1 coaching sessions… 

Pick your coach’s brain every day if you want to with up to 10 “Lifeline” inquiries each week to get practical dating advice when you need it… 

Get the most out of your Provisional Membership for the first 30 days…

There’s a reason we call it the “We Wish First Dates Were Like This” Guarantee… 

If you’re not completely satisfied for ANY reason, simply ask for your money back…

A full refund will be issued to you.

No additional charges will be made and you won’t have any further obligation…

And you’ll still get the four remaining “DEEP WORK Workbooks” as our gift to you just for trying this transformational program!

There Will Be No Surprises…

We won’t automatically bill your credit card next month. 

The only charge on your card will be for $95.  

And your purchase is backed by our “We Wish First Dates Were Like This” 100% Money Back Guarantee.

There’s no risk to you.

As you complete your 30-Day Provisional Membership, you and your coach will discuss whether a MAGO Gents Membership is right for you, and if you’re a fit for us. 

Provided that you’ve done the work and you’re accepted by the other members, at that time, you may be invited to join the Most Amazing Group of Gentlemen…

Whether or not you are invited to continue after your 30-day trial, you’re going to get all 6 Deep Work Workbooks that will guide you deeper into self-awareness to unlock insights that can lead to more meaningful relationships …

Finally Get Exactly What You Want in Your Relationships With Women!

Right now, you have a choice…

You can keep sitting on the sidelines feeling lonely and unsure of yourself…

You could also keep dating the way you’ve been dating…

Day after day…

Swiping, chatting…

Covering the same ground over and over again…

Getting disappointed by scammers and catfish…

Juggling conversations with women who don’t really excite you…

Wasting time with women who misrepresent themselves…

Going on bad dates only to come up empty…

Or You Can Take This Opportunity & Begin to TRANSFORM Your Love Life! 

The Most Amazing Group of Gentlemen’s August groups are forming right now.

Space is strictly limited.

If you take action right now, you’re going to get everything you need to Change Your Luck With Women Forever

  • All 6 workbooks for deep insights and total clarity on what you really want.
  • Two group sessions for honing your interpersonal skills and learning from other’s experiences.
  • Two sessions of 1-1 coaching for expert guidance through this transformative program.
  • “Lifeline” Access (10x per week) for practical dating advice exactly when you need it.
  • And a complimentary, conditional invitation to an upcoming Mix & Mingle with Mago Gents Event Cocktail Hour.
  • A $1,195 value

For a One-Time Investment of Just $95!

If you try this program, we know you’re going to love it. 

Upon completing your registration, you’ll receive your first self-directed, DEEP WORK Workbook and schedule your 1-1 time with your MAGO Gents coach. 

Coaches offer convenient office hours to work with your busy schedule.

Please note, all 30-Day Trial memberships to the Most Amazing Group of Gentlemen are Provisional Memberships… 

Provisional Members are required to complete the 12-week Change Your Luck With Women Forever program prior to becoming Full Members in our community.

Full Membership in the Most Amazing Group of Gentlemen is by invitation only, requires approval by your Coach, Group Facilitator and other members of our community… 

Membership dues are extra, but so are the benefits…  

Now’s The Time to be Decisive About Your Future…

You can keep spinning your wheels, wasting time and money chasing the wrong women, being unclear about what you really want, what you need and how to get it… 

Or you can “Do the Work” and Change Your Luck With Women Forever